Making Memories Last Forever!

Today Gunjan is brining joy to so many lives, one emotion at a time.

There are some things in life money cannot buy. The smile on a loved one’s face when you gift them something as unique as they are is one of them! In times when gifting has become commercialised, there is one artist who is striving to add emotion to every personalised memento she painstakingly makes.

Precious Textures is a premium 3-D life casting company based in Chandigarh, specializing in forging beautiful life castings of the human body. Gunjan Bhardwaj, the heart and soul behind Precious Textures ( takes pride in creating memories that will last forever. Her passion stems from her own fondness of treasuring every big & small moment with her family. “I share my birthday with my husband. On our birthday a few years ago, I wanted to gift him something unusual and different. I looked up a place and gifted ourselves the hand cast,” reminisces Gunjan, while adding, “that was when I was intrigued by this art form and also the emotions behind it.”

Gunjan learned each & every step of the craft. She experimented, learnt, failed, learnt again & finally found success. “Today I can proudly say that each and every step involved in casting has been innovated upon by me and that is why this whole venture (named Precious Textures) is so special and so different.”

Born into a family of jewellers and married into one too, design, aesthetics and creativity come naturally to Gunjan. She puts her heart and soul into designing the final look of a product before the casting process begins. And because of her stringent attention to detail, each casting is unique – just like the unique individual it is being made for. From the little feet and hands of your baby, to those first moments as husband and wife, to birthdays and other momentous celebrations of life – and even depicting precious relationships with pets – Precious Textures gives precious moments a tangible form so that they can be held close and cherished forever.

The best bit that is also the USP of Precious Textures ( the attention to details. “We focus on minute details – a each and every pore, every wrinkle is highlighted and captured authentically to make it look as real as possible. It is a very painstaking process. Not just that, we like to plan out every small detail of how the product will finally look – the way it will be mounted and the accompanying artwork to enhance the look and feel of the casts,” says Gunjan.

This talented artist and entrepreneur has come up with several innovations. “I have innovated at making the right mixture, then de-casting, processing and most importantly the painting. The painting is where most of the other people in the business do not pay much attention. Usually the casts are spray painted – the paint gets into the impressions and other tiny details of the skin and the whole essence of the cast in making it as life-like as possible, is lost. I realised we need to change that and after trying many techniques, I have developed my own style of hand painting so that we preserve the real essence of the purpose behind casting. Today I can very proudly say that when you touch the casts made by me, you feel like you are touching the real skin of the person! Even our framing is special – it is moisture-resistant to safeguard the cast for life,” asserts Gunjan.

Today Gunjan is brining joy to so many lives, one emotion at a time.


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